The two wins were both shutouts in games where the Hot Rods had a lot of fun. It's always fun to win!
Two of the three losses were tough ones that could have gone either way.
Some of the highlights from the past 6 games include:
- Jan 13 - While waiting for a pass, Chris Potter went offside. Afterwards, the ref was quoted as saying, "Chris was just too fast". So it's confirmed.
- Dec 23 - Near the end of the game while on a rush, Tom Hautzinger breaks a nail and can't finish. Turns out someone got a stick in and he broke his thumbnail half way down and it was sticking straight up. This new agency cannot confirm if he actually cried, but I swore I saw a tear.
- Jan 13 - While leading 6-0 in the third period, the Hot Rods coaching staff moved Marc Delannoy to forward and Tony Schellenberg back to defense. In his first shift at forward, Marc showed off his ability to "turn on the jets" and won a footrace with the opposing defenseman and goalie. The result of this demonstration of speed was an open net goal for the veteran.
- Jan 13 - Tom Hautzinger is on the Scott Seaman naughty list after a Shea Webber-like clapper that broke the glass during warm up. (See pics below) During a post game interview, Hautzinger had little to say, only nodding his head with a smirk. It was like he knew he already had a hard shot